DEMAND a correction to the fraudulent 2020 elections

Frustrated with all the lawlessness? Not sure what to do? Join us and we’ll show you.


No future election can be trusted if we can’t straighten out the 2020 election. There were 250+ unanswered affidavits, 700,000 absentee ballots sent out unassigned to a voter, and if you voted on November 3 it may have not been counted for weeks.

Remember that if elections do not reflect the input of legal voters then the people of our state, and America at large, cannot be said to be represented- we are RULED. America precisely exists because it refused to be ruled. The concept of constitutional representative government of the people is so fundamental in fact that one cannot even rightly call our great land America without it.

We have proof that there was widespread voter fraud in MN

We’re partnered with the brilliant Rick Weible of Midwest Swamp Watch. His organization has done more than any other to document and analyze the massive voter fraud which took place in Minnesota during the 2020 election. You won’t believe what he and his team found.


Local representatives and officials need to be held accountable

We know they know what happened. And they know we know they know. And yet a large majority of our local representatives continue to take no effective action against the perpetrators and accomplices, nor bring real solutions to prevent such a scandal from occurring again. They can’t even be bothered to support the few brave representatives who are taking action and bringing legislation. Remember people- you get more of what you allow. We just can’t trust “public servants” who won’t stand for election integrity in the presence of so much data indicating fraud. If they can’t adhere to their oaths, they need to be voted out. If they aren’t outraged enough and willing/able to bring the fight to the House or Senate, they need to be voted out. Don’t be fooled by cunning career politicians offering toothless, feel-good solutions that don’t actually address the problem either. Representatives should always be evaluated by their actions, not their words.


Why it’s critical to get active

Let’s face it- the days of showing up on election day every 2 or 4 years to cast your votes isn’t enough anymore. It clearly wasn’t enough back then either since we’ve arrived at this state of affairs. The Left is organized and relentless and they rely on conservatives being too focused on their work and individual pursuits to put up enough resistance in the public sphere. Let’s change that and send the communists packing- or at least back to work where they belong.

Nothing is going to change without action. Nobody is coming to save us. If America falls, there is nowhere else to go that is free. As much as President Trump did and will do if reelected, he’s only one man. It’s time to move out of the damsel in distress mindset and adopt the rugged, self-governing mentality that allowed our forefathers to overcome tyrants too.

In God We Trust.

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